08 August 2006
New Collective Agreement 2006-2008 |
SCBA and SBEU have held three round of negotiation since May 2006. Both parties have agreed to 21 Articles. These articles are mainly non-monetary items. Monetary items such as Salaries have yet to be agreed. However a significant achievement is that SCBA has agreed to back date the effective date to 01 January 2006 regardless of the outcome of the negotiation. This means that salary arrears will be backdated to 1 January 2006. This is indeed a positive gesture on the part of SCBA. It also allows parties to work towards a CA that is progressive and relevant to the changing business and job environment of the Banking Industry. JOB EVALUATION STUDY SBEU realised that clerical and non-clerical employees are being given higher job empowerment and more diverse job descriptions, e.g. sales and marketing, higher approving authorities and even non clerical performing jobs as Service Ambassador. We must be paid in parity with the jobs performed. SBEU therefore has agreed with SCBA to do a joint study to evaluate jobs done to decide on the pay band for each class of staff base on the complexity and variation of job performed. This might entail introduction of several grades in the clerical and non-clerical categorieswith the current pay band being the minimum. This is in line with our job empowerment policy as the way to increase the value of our members job and consequently, their value and income. |
PAY FOR PERFORMANCE Performance pay continues to remain a major part of our agenda. This is necessary as banks after banks have resorted to rewarding some employees and not others in total secrecy. A control mechanism has to be in place to ensure that this pay system base on performance is not abused by your immediate superiors/employer. Currently, pay for performance is still at the absolute discretion of the management and some employees are not benefiting from this. SBEU wants clear guidelines on the measurement of pay for performance - the system must be transparent, with clear objectives and measurable targets. Rewards must commensurate with achievement on that objective. A member must have the right to take up grievance if he/she is not satisfied with the outcome of the appraisal. SBEU is sending a team to have an in depth study of the Performance Pay system in Singapore. OUR OWN DESTINY As in the last CA, SBEU is taking the lead in negotiating for better pay and benefits. Our counterparts in West Malaysia and Sabah - NUBE and Sabah Banking Employees’ Union have yet to submit their proposal. It is vital that members continue to play an active role as we negotiate the difficult road ahead. The next round is on 4 September 2006 |